[edited by] Pamela K. Levangie, Cynthia C. Norkin, Michael D. Lewek.
Sixth edition
F. A. Davis Company,
xvi, 535 pages:
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Biomechanical applications to joint structure and function / Samuel R. Ward, Bahar Shahidi, David B. Barry -- Joint structure and function / Susan Sigward -- Muscle structure and function / Gary Chleboun -- The vertebral column / Diane Dalton -- The thorax and chest wall / Julie Starr, Diane Dalton -- The temporomandibular joint / Pamela D. Ritzline -- The shoulder complex / Paula M. Ludewig, John D. Borstad -- The elbow complex / Amee Seitz, Jeff Hartman -- The wrist and hand complex / Noelle M. Austin -- The hip complex / RobRoy L. Martin, Benjamin Kivlan -- The knee / Lynn Snyder-Mackler, David Logerstedt, Elizabeth Wellsandt -- The ankle and foot complex / RobRoy L. Martin -- Posture / Lee N Marinko -- Gait / Michael Hunt, Sandra J. Olney, Janice Eng.