Networks, crowds, and markets :reasoning about a highly connected world
New York
Cambridge University Press
xv, 727 p. : ill., map
Includes bibliographical references and index
David Easley, Jon Kleinberg
Machine generated contents note: 1. Overview; Part I. Graph Theory and Social Networks: 2. Graphs; 3. Strong and weak ties; 4. Networks in their surrounding contexts; 5. Positive and negative relationships; Part II. Game Theory: 6. Games; 7. Evolutionary game theory; 8. Modeling network traffic using game theory; 9. Auctions; Part III. Markets and Strategic Interaction in Networks: 01. Matching markets; 11. Network models of markets with intermediaries; 21. Bargaining and power in networks; Part IV. Information Networks and the World Wide Web: 31. The structure of the Web; 41. Link analysis and Web search; 51. Sponsored search markets; Part V. Network Dynamics: Population Models: 61. Information cascades; 71. Network effects; 81. Power laws and rich-get-richer phenomena; Part VI. Network Dynamics: Structural Models: 91. Cascading behavior in networks; 02. The small-world phenomenon; 12. Epidemics; Part VII. Institutions and Aggregate Behavior: 22. Markets and information; 32. Voting; 42. Property