Registration card inserted for access to "DiscoverEcon with Paul Solman Videos" (developed by Gerald C. Nelson) to supplement the text Rev. ed. of: Principles of micro-economics. 2nd ed. c2004 Includes bibliographical references and index
McGraw-Hill/Irwin, Boston, Mass., 2001
PrefaceixPART 1 IntroductionThinking Like an Economist3(28)Some Common Pitfalls for Decision Makers31(18)Comparative Advantage: The Basis for Exchange49(24)Supply and Demand: An Introduction73(30)MicroeconomicsPART 2 Competition and the Invisible HandDemand: The Benefit Side of the Market103(32)Perfectly Comparative Supply: The Cost Side of the Market135(30)Efficiency and Exchange165(30)The Quest for Profit and the invisible Hand195(26)PART 3 Market ImperfectionsMonopoly and Other Forms of Imperfect Competition221(26)Thinking Strategically247(26)Externalities and Property Rights273(24)The Economics of Information297(24)PART 4 Labor Markets and the Public SectorLabor Markets321(28)The Economic of Public Policy349(28)Public Goods and Taxation377(24)Income Redistribution401(32)MacroeconomicsPART 5 Macroeconomics: Issues and DataMacroeconomics: The Bird's-Eye View of the Economy433(20)Measuring Economic Activity: GDP and Unemployment453(30)Measuring the Price Level and Inflation483(30)PART 6 The Economy in the Long RunEconomy Growth, Productivity, l and Living Standards513(30)Workers, Wages, and Unemployment in the Modern Economic543(32)Saving and Capital Formation575(30)Financial Markets, Money, and the Federal Reserve605(32)PART 7 The Economy in the Short RunShort-Term Economic Fluctuations: An Introduction637(18)Aggregate Demand and Output in the Short Run655(36)Stabilizing Aggregate Demand: The Role of the Fed691(34)Inflation, Aggregate Demand, and Aggregate, Supply725(40)PART 8 The International EconomyInternational Trade and Capital Flows765(36)Exchange Rates and the Open Economy801GlossaryG-1IndexI-1