The effect of Pretask and On line Planning on Accuracy of Iranian EFL Learners
/Mir Nasser Amirazad
the degree of Master of Art in English Language Teaching (ELT)
task planning groups writing accuracy was not significantly affected. The findings of this study help broaden the understanding of second language learners cognitive writing process involving planning. In addition, the results have pedagogical implications as well as theoretical implications in second language writing and relevance to second language writing assessment -line planning groups writing accuracy was significantly affected, but the pre-task Planning group, then they were given three tests with different topics for writing three essays in different methods. And finally, the results were analyzed by ANOVA. It is concluded that the on-line Planning group and Pre-week period. After teaching the different types of writing (Explanation, Descriptive and Cause and Effect writings), they were divided to two groups; On-language written production with regard to accuracy. The participants were 60 Iranian learners of English as a foreign language in one of the language institutions in Tabriz, Iran. They were taught three different types of writing methods (Explanation, Descriptive and Cause and Effect writings) in individual planned condition and collaborative planned condition over a five-For over two decades, investigations on task planning and its role in second and foreign language learners productions have pointed out that the opportunity to plan for a task generally develops language learners speech (Ellis, 2005). It has been thought that task planning reduces cognitive load during language processing, thus allowing language learners to attend to different aspects of language, and that this increased attention, in turn, results in more successful task performance. The present investigation and research studied the effect of planning on second.
Amirazad, Mir Nasser
پایان نامهPE,1127,A6P7,1392
line Planning on Accuracy of Iranian EFL Learners-task and On-The effect of Pre