Paul Sartre-A comparative approach to the crime in The Stranger of Albert Camus and The Dirty Hands of Jean
/Arezou Abdi
Master II French
that drive them to murder. The third chapter of the present thesis, is about the judgement and the punishment of two criminals. Considering their interrogation, we know that by a fatal succession of the events led to the murder, by a concern of sincerity in two murderers but also by the hypocritical laws of the people who accuse them, these murderers are sentenced to death for a crime other than murder. Finally we explain how they advance towards the end of their complicated and tragic destiny while testing in itself a kind of inner evolution which gives them not only the opportunity to know the situation in which they are locked but also to become aware of their strangeness among the other fortune صPaul Sartre. For this intention, first of all , we glimpse the theme of the crime in the literature over the ages, trying to find an explanation for the frequent presence of this theme in the literary works . In fact, alongside the fear and the disgust that this abhorrent act forme, any crime that committed, there are sets of social, psychological, and criminological discourses attached to it, and combining with mysterious side of any crime, they attract the attention of literature whose permanent effort is to deal with complex and discussable matters. This mysterious side can be reinforced more and more via the criminals whom crimes are not acceptable for anybody judging them, however even they themselves have no reason to explain for acting so. The second chapter of this thesis examine this aspect of the crime, considering essentially the source of the crimes and the motivations of the criminals in the works of Camus and Sarte. In order to accomplish this purpose, we observe the traces of thes concepts of absurd and existentialist philosophies but also the realities of the time of two writers in all phases of these crimes. Then we study the strange personality of two criminals but also all the motivations and specially the -This thesis study in a compared way, the motivations and the consequences of two complex and strang crimes in the world of literature : two crimes committed in The Stranger of Albert Camus and The Dirty Hands of Jean.
The Stranger
The Dirty Hands
Abdi، Arezou
پایان نامهPQ,116,.A2A7,1391
Paul Sartre-A comparative approach to the crime in The Stranger of Albert Camus and The Dirty Hands of Jean