Abstract Paul Valerie was born in a town called Set in 1871. His father came from course and his mother from Italy. He spent his primary school period in Town College and then entered Montpellier high and poetry while he had become disappointed about becoming a mathematician. In his youth he e came involved in great change. After having spent a critical night in Gene, he noticed tremendous hazards of the domination feeling over wisdom Then he decided to strengthen his knowledge and wisdom force such that felling can not dominate his existence any longer. As such he allocated all his life to wisdom exercises and started this by doing math exercises and composing poems. According to Valerie a real poet is meticulous, dictated by the poem god for composing poems. The poet's real tool is his wisdom wich is envisaged through things like language, rhythm, word rhyming, etc; and is emchanced through such sciences as mathematics, physic, architecture geometry, etc. He maintains that each individual poetic tactic is based on a math truth, and the poet can enrich and value his poetry by expanding his mathematical knowledge which is the same science of establishing a logical relationship. For this reason he always said " I prefer to compose a weak work in the perfect awareness and clear - sightedness so that I become estatic as a result of sensation and passion and create on of my most invaluable masterpieces.