اثر موننسین و ویتامین E بر کینتیک تجزیهپذیری و پتانسیل اکسیداسیون و احیای جیرههای غذایی حاوی پنبه دانه کامل و تاثیر آنها روی تولید و ترکیبات شیر گاوهای شیرده هلشتاین
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: دانشکده کشاورزی
فاقد چکیده فارسی
رشته تغذیه دام گرایش تغذیه نشخوارکنندگان
In order to study effect of adding whole cottonseed, monensin and vitamin E to diet of lactating cows, ۸ lactating Holstein cows in a balanced ۴۱۱ CLA of cows fed experimental treatments were ۰.۰۸, ۰.۹۵, ۰.۶۲ and ۱.۳۲ percent (P<۰.۰۵) and the treatments with vitamin E or monensin had the highest amount. The experimental treatments had significant effect on ruminal protozoa population (P<۰.۰۵) and vitamin E supplementation increased ruminal protozoa population. Monensin supplementation decreased population but it was not significant. The purpose of in situ experiment was studying effect of adding monensin or vitamin E in diet with high level of oilseed on ruminal nutrients degradabilities characteristic of whole cottonseed. In order to determination of ruminal degradability used two ruminaly fistulated sheep. The experimental treatments included: A) treatment with ۲۰ whole cottonseed without monensin or vitamin E supplementation (control diet), B) control diet plus ۵۰۰ IU vitamin E per day, and C) control diet plus ۲۴ mg monensin/kg DM. The incubation times were ۰, ۲, ۴, ۶, ۸, ۱۲, ۱۶, ۲۴, ۳۶ and ۴۸ hour. The obtained data was analyzed using SAS program as completely randomized design With ANOVA procedure. ۲ h after incubation, the treatment with monensin had the highest DM disappearance among treatments (P<۰.۰۵). The treatment with monensin for ۴۸ h ruminal incubation had the highest (۷۱.۱۷ ) DM disappearance and treatment without additive had the lowest (۵۰.۵۱ ) DM disappearance (P<۰.۰۵). Supplementing monensin and vitamin E to the diet with high level of oilseed increased DM, OM and CP digestibilies in rumen (P<۰.۰۵). The results indicate that monensin and vitamin E supplementation to diet with high level of cottonseed may improve ruminal function and cause increase in rumen nutrients degradabilities. The experimental treatments had the significant effect on gas production and treatments with monensin or vitamin E had the lowest and highest gas production within treatment, respectively (P<۰.۰۵). After ۹۶ incubation average gas production of treatments were ۳۰۷.۹۱, ۳۰۴.۵۸, ۳۱۷.۶۷ and ۲۶۲.۶۷ ml/g DM, and treatment with monensin supplementation had the lowest gas production volume (P<۰.۰۵). There was significant difference among treatment about estimated SCFA, ME and OMD amounts from gas production data (P<۰.۰۵) and treatment ۱ and ۳ had the highest amounts. Estimated ED parameter was significantly difference among treatments (P<۰.۰۵) and trearment control or treatment with monensin supplementation had the highest amount (P<۰.۰۵). The data obtained from MFC study showed that treatment with vitamin E supplementation had the highest potentioal, current and power amount within treatments and it showed that vitamin E supplementation improved bacterial function that it is in agreement with other experiments of this study-۹, trans-E had the lowest amount within treatments. The statcitical analysis showed that the experimental treatments had significant effect on least square means of C۱۸:۰ (P<۰.۰۵) and treatment with vitamin E had the lowset amount. Least square means of cis+M had beter energy balance that indicated with low BHBA and high chlosterol (P<۰.۰۵). HDL concentration was significantly deffrence but adding whole cottonseed numericaly decreased HDL concentration. The C۱۸:۰ contents of milk fat for treatments were ۵.۳۷, ۶.۶۰, ۲.۹۹ and ۶.۶۷ percent, respectively, and WCS+N. Cows fed with WCS-N concentratin (P<۰.۰۵) but treatments ۲ and ۴ had not effect on serum urea-E) numericaly increased milk fat percent in compared with treatments ۲ and ۳. The obtained data showed that vitamin supplementation decreased serum urea+E treatments had respectively highest and lowest amounts. Adding whole cottonseed to diet decreased milk fat percent (P<۰.۰۵). In present study vitamin E supplementation (WCS+M). Each experimental period lasted ۲۸ days. All statistical analyses were performed using PROC MIXED of SAS. There was not significantly difference within treatments for DMI (P>۰.۰۵). Milk yield of cows fed treaments was respectively ۴۲.۶, ۴۳.۵, ۴۳.۹ and ۳۵.۱ kg/d. Statistical analysis showed that there wasnot significantly effect of treatments on milk yield but FCM was significantly difference within treatments (P<۰.۰۵) and control and WCS+E), and ۴) diet with ۲۰ percent whole cottonseed of DM plus ۲۴ ppm of monensin/kg DM per cow per d (WCS+d treatment period: ۱) control diet (without whole cottonseed, monensin and vitamin E; C), ۲) diet with ۲۰ percent whole cottonseed of DM (WCS), ۳) diet with ۲۰ percent whole cottonseed of DM plus ۱۲۰۰۰ IU of vitamin E/cow per d (WCS-۴ repeated Latin square design were used. Cows were randomly assigned to one of the four dietary treatments for ۲۸