بررسی نقش حمایت اجتماعی ادراک شده، سبک دلبستگی و نگرش دینی در تبیین سوگواری پاتولوژیک
/شهناز بخشعلی زاده مرادی
: دانشکده علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی
، فرخی
کارشناسی ارشد
رشته روانشناسی عمومی
.purpose:This study aimed to determine the role of attachment styles, perceived social support and religious orientation in explanation of pathological grief.Materials and methods: A sample consist of 150 people who have experienced of bereavement (2 to 7 months) were chosen by available. After explaining the purpose of research and obtaining informed consent, participants filled in the Grief Experience questionnaire (GEQ; Barrett & Scott, 1998), Hazan -Shaver (adult attachment,1992) , Duke Social Support index(DSSI;1984) and Azarbyjani Religious Orientation questionnaire (1382). Research method was correlational, the data were analyzed by pearson's correlation and multiple regression analysis
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