بررسی میزان نشو و نما و قدرت باروری شب پره مدیترانه آرد روی چند رژیم غذایی تهیه شده از آرد و سبوس گندم به صورت خشک و مرطوب
/محسن یزدانیان
تبریز: دانشگاه تبریز
۱۲۵ ص.
: جدول، عکس، نمودار لوح فشرده
واژه نامه بصورت زیرنویس
کتابنامه ص.: ۱۱۹-۱۲۵
کارشناسی ارشد
گیاهپزشکی- حشره شناسی
تبریز: دانشگاه تبریز
.on stripped bug's ?-amylase was much more than the above mentioned species (about ۴.۶ times) طactivates many insects' ?-amylases but its inhibitory effects have been reported on ?-amylase activity of some insects including G. rubrolineatum that belongs to the same genus of the stripped bug; however, the effect of Cl (طStudying insect digestive enzymes is of great importance because this is associated with feeding which is the major factor through that insects cause damages. Having knowledge about the physiology of the digestive system of Heteroptera and also investigating the mechanisms through which these insects cause damages to plants were the first aims of such studies. At present, many attentions have focused on digestive enzyme activators and their application in facilitating the rearing of beneficial and laboratory insects; and also on enzyme inhibitors for controlling insect pests. Digestive enzyme inhibitors could play a major role in pest control strategies. However, understanding the biochemical aspects of digestive enzymes is necessary for such purposes or in order to produce transgenic plants. Digestive enzymes of the stripped bug Graphosoma lineatum, including its ?-amylases, have not been studied yet. In present investigation, some properties of salivary ?-amylase of this species were studied for the first time. Insect rearing was performed in insectarium under ۲۸۲ ?C Temp., ۶۰-۷۰ R.H., and L:D ۱۶:۸. Parsley seeds were used for rearing the nymphs and adults, and the insects obtained from ۱۰th to ۱۷th generations were used for experiments. The results showed that the morphology of gut and salivary gland of the stripped bug is similar to other Heteroptera. In all developmental stages (nymphs and adults), the shape of the salivary gland was the same, except that in nymphs its size increased due to entering the next nymphal stages. In the stripped bug, total salivary ?-amylase activity was greater than total gut ?-amylase activity. Optimum temperature and pH for enzyme activity were ۳۷ ?C and ۶.۵, respectively. Preservation the enzyme solution at ۴ ?C for ۴۰ days had no effects on enzyme activity. There was a linear relationship between enzyme concentration and its activity, so that with an increase in enzyme concentration,its activity also increased. Feeding from different umbelliferous seeds did not affect enzyme activity. In nymphal stages, the most enzyme activity was observed in ۳rd instar nymphs; and in adults, it was observed in ۱۵-, ۲۰- and ۲۵-days old insects. The results showed that if the insects used in experiments have not similar conditions, enzyme activity may differ ۳.۵ to ۴.۵ times. In overall, females' enzyme activity was greater than males' enzyme activity which was attributed to more food necessities of females for reproduction and egg-laying. Enzyme activity was constant at different environmental temperatures (۴-۳۰ ?C). Starving the insects for ۲۴ hours increased enzyme activity which was due to the accumulation of enzyme in the lumen of the salivary gland; and this confirmed the previous observations. Measuring the enzyme activities at different parts of the salivary gland showed that the posterior lobe was the major source of ?-amylase; and enzyme activity in luminal contents was greater than its activity in tissue contents. These were similar to the results obtained by other researchers. The results showed that two glands of an insect's salivary gland complex simultaneously produced and excreted the enzyme (saliva). During the circadian cycle, enzyme activities were different. This was related to the different conditions of the used insects (in aspects of feeding, starvation, life span, etc.). ?-amylase activities of adult insects obtained from different generations showed no differences. Investigations showed that ۷۵ ethanol had a considerable inhibitory effect on ?-amylase activity of the stripped bug. ?-amylase activity was also decreased by NaCl, EDTA, Tris, SDS and WAAI, so that the effects of SDS and WAAI were much more than that of NaCl, EDTA and Tris; and were nearly similar to each other. Chloride ion (Cl