کنترل ربات واسط مغز و ماشین توسط سیگنالهای EEG و کارت واسطArduino
/امین نجفیان صومعه
: مهندسی برق و کامپیوتر
، ۱۳۹۶
، افشار
زبان چکیده: استاد راهنما
زبان چکیده: استاد مشاور
The aim of this thesis is to control a robot using the brain electroencephalography (EEG) signals and the brain machine interface (BMI). The brain machine interface is a system based on connecting a user to the environment directly and without intermediary. Each command is matched to a brain activity measured by (EEG) signals. The quadruple motion of the right, left, back and forth are experimented by this research. The robot can perform quadruple right and left, back and forward moves via these brain signals. Arduino card is used for the practical design of the robot. This card has a high speed and capability to implement commands.In this thesis, after preprocessing of SSVEP signals, the features of these signals have been extracted by two methods of Power Spectral Density Analysis (PSDA) and Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) and the user's commands have been identified by proper feature classification. The highest accuracy has been achieved by LASSO. The accuracy and information transfer rate of this method are 93.75
کارشناسی ارشد
مهندسی برق مخابرات
سیدعربی ، میر هادی
.The aim of this thesis is to control a robot using the brain electroencephalography (EEG) signals and the brain machine interface (BMI). The brain machine interface is a system based on connecting a user to the environment directly and without intermediary. Each command is matched to a brain activity measured by (EEG) signals. The quadruple motion of the right, left, back and forth are experimented by this research. The robot can perform quadruple right and left, back and forward moves via these brain signals. Arduino card is used for the practical design of the robot. This card has a high speed and capability to implement commands
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