بررسی علل ناکارآمدی شهرهای جدید در جذب جمعیت و تحقق اهداف آنها( مطالعهموردی :شهر جدید سهند، تبریز)
/زینب شرفی
: پردیس
، ۱۳۹۶
، افشاری
nrecent centuries, rapid and rapid expansion, population density and concentration in large cities have made the cities unable to sustain a healthy urban life for their inhabitants. Given these issues in large cities and the distribution of economic and socially balanced growth and their extraordinary control, it is proposed to create new cities around large cities. The new city of Sahand was built in order to reduce the demographic, economic, social and physical problems of the metropolitan city of Tabriz in the area of the citys influence, but this city has not been able to reduce the problems of Tabriz Metropolis in terms of its goals. Therefore, the present study investigates the causes of the inefficiency of the new cities in attracting the population and realizing their goals in the new Sahand new city using spss. The results of the research showed that the city has been successful in attracting the population overflow of about 50. in Tabriz city. In order to determine the status of effective indicators in the population absorption of Sahand new city, seven indicators were evaluated in 300 questionnaires. And the results of the research showed that the highest achievement rates among the 7 indicators considered for the safety and security index were 3.62. The lowest level of achievement among the 7 indexes of the research is related to social indicators and public services with an average of 2.92. In general, it can be said that by aggregating averages for all 7 indexes of research, 3.19 points are obtained in the Likert spectrum. Therefore, it can be said that, in total, the new Sahand city has reached horizons of its plan on horizons of five and ten years by percent. Eventually, in a comparison between the 7th indicator and urban population density in the new city of Sahand, the city has achieved its predicted goals in the five-year and ten-year horizons. But in absolute terms, as opposed to the target population, only 46. and the seventh indices of research achieved 63
کارشناسی ارشد
جغرافیا و برنامهریزی شهری
در قرون اخیر گسترش بیرویه و سریع، تراکم و تمرکز بیش از حد جمعیت در شهرهای بزرگ سبب گردیده است که این شهرها قادر به تداوم حیات سالم شهری برای ساکنین خود را نداشته باشند .با توجه به این مسائل در شهرهای بزرگ و برای توزیع رشد متعادل اقتصادی و اجتماعی و کنترل بیرویه آنها، ایجاد شهرهای جدید پیرامون شهرهای بزرگ پیشنهاد گردیده است .شهر جدید سهند نیز برای کاستن از مشکلات جمعیتی، اقتصادی، اجتماعی و کالبدی کلانشهر تبریز در حوزه نفوذ این شهر احداث شد ولی این شهر در عمل نتوانسته است از مشکلات کلانشهر تبریز با توجه به اهدافش بکاهد، فلذا پژوهش حاضر به بررسی علل ناکارآمدی شهرهای جدید در جذب جمعیت و تحقق اهداف آنها در شهر جدید سهند با استفاده از spss به بررسی این موضوع پرداخته است .نتایج حاصل از پژوهش نشان داد که این شهر به میزان تقریبی ۵۰ درصد در جذب سرریز جمعیتی شهر تبریز موفق بوده است .در راستای تعیین وضعیت شاخصهای تأثیرگذار در جذب جمعیتی شهر جدید سهند اقدام به بررسی ۷ شاخص در قالب ۳۰۰ پرسشنامه گردید و نتایج پژوهش نشان داد که بالاترین میزان دستیابی به اهداف در بین ۷ شاخص مدنظر پژوهش مربوط به شاخص ایمنی و امنیت شهری با میانگین ۳.۶۲ میباشد .پایینترین میزان دستیابی به اهداف در بین ۷ شاخص مدنظر پژوهش مربوط به شاخص اجتماعی و خدمات عمومی با میانگین ۲.۹۲ میباشد .درمجموع میتوان گفت که با تجمیع میانگینهای مکتسبه هر ۷ شاخص مدنظر پژوهش امتیاز ۳.۱۹ در طیف لیکرت حاصل میگردد .از این رو میتوان گفت که در مجموع شهر جدید سهند در افقهای پنج و دهساله به میزان ۶۳ درصد به اهداف افق طرح خود دست یافته است .نهایتا به صورت مقایسهای بین شاخص ۷ گانه و جمعیتپذیری شهری در شهر جدید سهند، این شهر به اهداف پیشبینی شده خود در افقهای پنج و دهساله دست یافته است .اما به صورت مطلق در قیاس با جمعیت هدف فقط به میزان ۴۶ درصد و شاخصهای هفتگانه پژوهش به میزان ۶۳ درصد به اهداف خود دست یافته است
nrecent centuries, rapid and rapid expansion, population density and concentration in large cities have made the cities unable to sustain a healthy urban life for their inhabitants. Given these issues in large cities and the distribution of economic and socially balanced growth and their extraordinary control, it is proposed to create new cities around large cities. The new city of Sahand was built in order to reduce the demographic, economic, social and physical problems of the metropolitan city of Tabriz in the area of the citys influence, but this city has not been able to reduce the problems of Tabriz Metropolis in terms of its goals. Therefore, the present study investigates the causes of the inefficiency of the new cities in attracting the population and realizing their goals in the new Sahand new city using spss. The results of the research showed that the city has been successful in attracting the population overflow of about 50 in Tabriz city. In order to determine the status of effective indicators in the population absorption of Sahand new city, seven indicators were evaluated in 300 questionnaires. And the results of the research showed that the highest achievement rates among the 7 indicators considered for the safety and security index were 3.62. The lowest level of achievement among the 7 indexes of the research is related to social indicators and public services with an average of 2.92. In general, it can be said that by aggregating averages for all 7 indexes of research, 3.19 points are obtained in the Likert spectrum. Therefore, it can be said that, in total, the new Sahand city has reached horizons of its plan on horizons of five and ten years by percent. Eventually, in a comparison between the 7th indicator and urban population density in the new city of Sahand, the city has achieved its predicted goals in the five-year and ten-year horizons. But in absolute terms, as opposed to the target population, only 46 and the seventh indices of research achieved 63 of their goals