پذیرش قول مدعی فاقد بینه و دلیل ، درحقوق اسلام امری استثنایی و برخلاف اصول مسلم دادرسی است .لکن دربرخی از موارد خاص ، به دلیل ویژگی های خاص موضوع مورد ادعا و مصالح وضرورت های اهم ونهایتا فصل خصومت، قول مدعی بدون بینه ودلیل مورد پذیرش واقع می گردد .هرچند پذیرش قول مدعی فاقد بینه درچنین مواردی امری راهگشا در فصل خصومت است ولی پذیرش مطلق آن نیز می تواند نتایج غیر قابل جبرانی درپی داشته باشد .لذا فقها پذیرش قول مدعی بدون بینه را منوط به شرایطی نظیر عدم احتمال کذب ادعای وی، فقدان دلایل ، قراین وظواهر مخالف ادعای مدعی ، عدم اطلاع نوعی اغیار از مدعی به و مخالف اصل بودن موضوع مورد ادعا نموده اند بنابراین نگارنده بر آن شد تا تحقیقی جامع درخصوص مبانی، ادله، شرایط، موارد و آثار پذیرش قول مدعی فاقد بینه ونیز جایگاه قول مدعی فاقد بینه در حقوق اسلام وحقوق ایران بویژه در حوزه حقوق خصوصی انجام دهد
Acceptance of the expression by a claimant having no evidence or reason is an exceptional issue in the Islamic code of law and it is treated as being against the undoubted trial principles. But, in some of the special cases, due to the special circumstance of the subject being claimed as well as based on some important exigencies and also with the sole goal of resolution the disputes, the claims having no crucial and documented evidence are accepted. Although accepting the expression by the claimant having no concrete claim is a solution to the resolution of the disputes in such cases but the absolute acceptance of the claim can be followed by irreparable and unreasonable results. according to, the jurisprudents suspend the acceptation of the expression by a claimant having no crucial evidence on the fulfillment of certain conditions like the extent to which the claim is likely to be false, the absence of the evidence, documents and the apparent issues related thereto, the typical lack of awareness in the defendant of the claim and claimant and the claimed issue not being original; therefore, the researcher of the current research paper intends to carry out a comprehensive study regarding the principles, the proofs, conditions, cases and the outcomes of accepting the expression by a claimant having small or no evidence as well as a thorough investigation of the position of the expression made by such claimants having no straightforward proofs in the Islamic code of law and Irans law, particularly in the area of private law