مطالعه کیفی نگرش زنان متاهل نسبت به سیاست های تشویقی باروری و زمینه های شکل گیری آن (مورد مطالعه :زنان شهر تبریز)
/خدیجه بهروزی سهلان
: حقوق و علوم اجتماعی
، ۱۳۹۵
، راشدی
زبان چکیده: استاد راهنما
زبان چکیده: استادمشاور
کارشناسی ارشد
جامعه شناسی گرایش اقتصادی و توسعه
آقایاری هیر، توکل
عباس زاده، محمد
Reduction of fertility rates in Iran brought about changes in population policies from anti- to pronatal policies in recent years. Since successful implementation of these policies depended on the approval and participation of individuals with these policies and related interventions, therefore, present study aimed at exploring the attitudes of married women in Tabriz city to pronatal population policies and tried to shed light into those grounding factors which shape women's attitudes in this regard. Women are regarded as the main players of any sorts of policies in relation to childbearing experiences. The study is a qualitative research using Grounded Theory as its main data gathering and analyzing technique. In-depth interviews used to collect views of women under study about existing pronatal population policies. Having the theoretical saturation criteria, we have interviewed 26 married women at fertile ages about their attitudes around pronatal population policies and childbearing experiences.
.sseccus fo daor otni seicilop noitalupop latanorp gnirb ot srotcaf ynam gnoma owt era misitamgarp lanoitutitsini dna ,troppus lanoitutitsini ,stnapicitrap eht fo weiv ni ,sgnidnif eht ot gnidroccA .spihsnoitaler lailimaf evreserp ot ycnednet dna ,ssol noitareneg fo raef ,seit lailimaf nehtgnerts dluoc gniraebdlihc taht feileb ,gniraebdlihc fo stifeneb cimonoce ni feileb ,noitazilanoitutitsni ,erusserp ro ecneulfni laicos ,tnemniatta lanoitacude rewol ,egairram ta ega rewol ,ega rehgih ;sa hcus selbairav fo ecneulfni eht rednu depahs si smees hcihw seicilop latanorp sdrawot edutitta evitisop dloh nemow ,sesac wef a nI .derdlihc fo erutuf eht tuoba deirrow gnieb dna ,ytirucesni boj ,ecnelodni dna tnemllifluf-fles ,ssentif ydob fo ecnatropmi ,msiraluces ,msilataf gnihsinimid ,yruxul fo esneS ,troppus lailimaf gnihsinimid ,lanoitcnuf ton era seicilop latanorp gnitsixe taht feileb ,yrtnuoc eht ni ylreporp detacolla ton era sesruocer taht feileb ,tsurt lanoitutitsni fo egaknirhs ,tnemyolpmenu ,ytilanoitar cimonoce ,noitamrofni detaler noitalupop dna cihpargomed rehgih ,tnemniatta lanoitacude rehgih ,egairram ta ega rehgih ,ega rewol ;fo ecneulfni eht rednu depahs era hcihw ,seicilop noitalupop latanorp gnitsixe sdrawot sedutitta evitagen evah seeweivretni fo ytirojam ,taht wohs stluseR