Contents: Introduction.- Ichabod, by Max Beerbohm .- On living again, by Alpha of the plough.- Holiday, by C. E. Montague.- In praise of mistakes, by Robert lynd.- Problems of a Journalist's life by, Rose Macaulay.- The west wind, by Joseph conrad.- The horizon, by Alice Meynell.- The pleasure of reading, by viscount Grey.- Gibbon by Lytton strachey.- John Bunyan, by G. M. Trevelya'n, the Duchess of newcastle by Virginia Woolf.- Diaries, by W. R. Inge.- The village chinneys, by Edmund Blunden.- Mists and fogs, by Edmund Blunden.- The yeoman farmer by Arthar Bryant.- Letter V., by Lowes Dickinson.- The B. B. G., by Hilaire Belloc.