/ With an English translation by H. N. Fowler, and an introduction by W. R. M. Lamb
: W. Heinemann
, 1953.
: front, (port)
; 17 cm
(The Loeb classical library. Greek authors)
Language: انگلیسی
Greek and English on opposite pages.
Bibliography: V.1, P. XX.
Content: V. 1. Euthyhro, Apology, crito, phaedo, phachrus.- Vol.2. Theaetetus. sophist.- V. 3. The statesman. philebus. Ion; /translated/ by W. R. M. Lamb.- Vol.4. Laches. protagoras. Meno. Euthydemus; /translated/ by W. R. M. Lamb.- V. 5. Lysis symposium. Gorgias; /translated/ by W. R. M. Lamb.- V. 6. Cratylus. parmenides. Great Hippias. Lesser Hippius.- V. 7. Timaeus. Critias, Cleitophon, Menexenus Epist.- V. 8. Charmides Alcibiades I and II Hipparchus ...