American historical documents,1000-1904.With introduction and notes
: Collier
, [1961, c1938].
(Harvard Classics,v.43)
Language: انگلیسی
The voyage to Vinland (c.1000).- The letter of Columbus to Luis de sant angel annoucing his discovery (1493).- Amerigo Vespucci's account of his first voyage (1497).- John Cabot's discovery of north America (1497).- First Charter of Virginia (1606).- The May flower compact (1620).- THE fundamental orders of Connecticut (1639).- the Massachusetts body of liberties (1641).- arbitrary government described and the Government of the Massachusetts vindicated from that aspersion by J. Winthrop (1644).- The instrument of government (1653).- A healing question, by H. Vane (1656).- John Eliot's Brief Narrative (1670).- Declaration of RIGHTs (1765).- the Declaration of independence (1776).- The Mecklenburg