Quantum probability and applications II. : proceedings of a workshop held in Heidlberg, West Germany, October 1-5, 1984
/ Edited by L. Accardi, W. Von Waldenfels
Berlin; New York
: Springer-Verlag
, 1985.
VI, 534 p.
: ill.
; 25 cm
(Lecture notes in mathematics
; 1136)
Language: انگلیسی
"The second workshop on quantum probability and applications was held in Heidelberg ... organized by the sonderforschungsbereich 123 (Stochastiche Mathematische Modelle) of the University of Heidelberg. Introd.
Includes bibliographies.
Quantum probability and applications
Quantum Probability and applications two
Probabilities - Congresses
Quantum theory - Statistical methods - Congresses
Stochastic processes - Congresses
Markov, Processes - Congresses
Accardi, L. (Luigi)
Waldenfels, W. Von (Wilhelm)
Workshop on Quantum probability and applications (2nd: 1984 Heidelberg, Germany)