Includes bibliographical references (p. 591-630) and index.
pt. 3.Applying exercise prescription principles --ch. 19.Periodization /Dan Wathen,Thomas R. Baechle,andRoger W. Earle --Responses to training stress --Periodization cycles --Periodization periods --Applying sport seasons to the periodization periods --Undulating (nonlinear) versus linear periodization models --Example of a macrocycle --Conclusion --Learning aids --ch. 20Rehabilitation and reconditioning /David H. PotachandTerry L. Grindstaff --Sports medicine team --Types of injury --Tissue healing --Rehabilitation and reconditioning strategies --Conclusion --Learning aids --Section 5 : Organization and administration --ch. 21.Facility organization and risk management /Michael GreenwoodandLori Greenwood --General aspects of new facility design --Existing strength and conditioning facilities --Assessing athletic program needs --Designing the strength and conditioning facility --Arranging equipment in the strength and conditioning facility --Maintaining and cleaning surfaces --Maintaining and cleaning equipment --Scheduling the strength and conditioning facility --Litigation issues --Conclusion --Learning aids --ch. 22.Developing a policies and procedures manual /Boyd EpleyandJohn Taylor --Mission statement and program goals --Program objectives --Job titles, descriptions, and duties of the strength and conditioning staff --Staff policies and activities --Facility administration --Conclusion --Learning aids --Answers to study questions --References --Index --About the editors.
ch. 15.Resistance training /Thomas R. Baechle,Roger W. Earle,andDan Wathen --Step 1 : Needs analysis --Step 2 : Exercise selection --Step 3 : Training frequency --Step 4 : Exercise order --Step 5 : Training load and repetitions --Step 6 : Volume --Step 7 : Rest periods --Conclusion--Learning aids --ch. 16.Plyometric training /David H. PotachandDonald A. Chu --Plyometric mechanics and physiology --Plyometric program design --Age considerations --Plyometrics and other forms of exercise --Safety considerations --Conclusion --Plyometric drills --Learning aids --ch. 17.Speed, agility, and speed-endurance development /Steven S. Plisk --Movement mechanics --Running speed --Agility --Methods of developing speed and agility--Program design --Conclusion --Learning aids --pt. 3.Aerobic exercise prescription --ch. 18.Aerobic endurance exercise training /Benjamin H. ReuterandPatrick S. Hagerman --Factors related to aerobic endurance performance --Designing an aerobic endurance program --Types of aerobic endurance training programs --Application of program design to training seasons --Special issues related to aerobic endurance training --Conclusion --Learning aids --
Section 2 : Testing and evaluation --ch. 11.Principles of test selection and administration /Everett Harman --Reasons for testing --Testing terminology --Evaluation of test quality --Test selection --Test administration --Conclusion --Learning aids --ch. 12.Administration, scoring, and interpretation of selected tests /Everett HarmanandJohn Garhammer --Measuring parameters of athletic performance --Selected test protocols and scoring data --Statistical evaluation of test data --Conclusion --Learning aids --Section 3 : Exercise techniques --ch. 13.Warm-up and stretching /Ian Jeffreys --Warm-up --Flexibility --Types of stretching --Conclusion --Static stretching techniques --Dynamic stretching techniques --Learning aids --ch. 14.Resistance training and spotting techniques /Roger W. EarleandThomas R. Baechle --Exercise technique fundamentals --Spotting free weight exercises --Conclusion --Resistance training exercises --Learning aids --Section 4 : Program design --pt. 1.Anaerobic exercise prescription --
ch. 7.Age- and sex-related differences and their implications for resistance exercise /Avery D. Faigenbaum --Children --Female athletes --Older adults --Conclusion --Learning aids --ch. 8.Psychology of athletic preparation and performance /Bradley D. HatfieldandEvan B. Brody --Definitions of key concepts in sport psychology --How the mind affects the athlete's physical performance --Ideal performance state --Motivational phenomena --Influence of arousal on performance --Mental management of physical resources : controlling psychological processes --Conclusion --Learning aids --ch. 9.Performance-enhancing substances /Jay R. HoffmanandJeffrey R. Stout --Types of performance-enhancing substances --Hormones --Dietary supplements --Conclusion --ch. 10.Nutritional factors in health and performance /Kristin Reimers --Role of the nutritionist --How to evaluate the adequacy of the diet --Macronutrients --Micronutrients --Fluid and electrolytes --Precompetition and postexercise nutrition--Weight and body composition --Eating disorders : anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa --Obesity --Conclusion --Learning aids --
ch. 4.Biomechanics of resistance exercise /Everett Harman --Musculoskeletal system --Human strength and power --Sources of resistance to muscle contraction --Joint biomechanics : concerns in resistance training --Movement analysis and exercise prescription --Conclusion --Learning aids --ch. 5.Adaptations to anaerobic training programs /Nicholas A. Ratamess --Neural adaptations --Muscular adaptations --Connective tissue adaptations --Endocrine responses and adaptations to anaerobic training --Cardiovascular and respiratory responses to acute exercise --Compatibility of aerobic and anaerobic modes of training --Overtraining --Detraining --Conclusion --Learning aids --ch. 6.Adaptations to aerobic endurance training programs /Ann Swank --Acute responses to aerobic exercise --Chronic adaptations to aerobic exercise --Designing aerobic endurance programs for optimizing adaptations --External influences on the cardiorespiratory response --Individual factors influencing adaptations to aerobic endurance training --Conclusion --Learning aids --
Contributors --Contributors to previous editions --Preface --Acknowledgments --Credits --Section 1 : Concepts and applications of the exercise sciences --ch. 1.Structure and function of the muscular, neuromuscular, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems /Gary R. HunterandRobert T. Harris --Muscular system --Neuromuscular system --Cardiovascular system --Respiratory system --Conclusion --Learning aids --ch. 2.Bioenergetics of exercise and training /Joel T. Cramer --Essential terminology --Biological energy systems --Substrate depletion and repletion --Bioenergetic limiting factors in exercise performance --Oxygen uptake and the aerobic and anaerobic contributions to exercise --Metabolic specificity of training --Conclusion --Learning aids --ch. 3.Endocrine responses to resistance exercise /William J. Kraemer,Jakob L. Vingren,andBarry A. Spiering --Synthesis, storage, and secretion of hormones --Muscle as the target for hormone interactions --Role of receptors in mediating hormonal changes --Steroid hormones versus polypeptide hormones --Heavy resistance exercise and hormonal increases --Mechanisms of hormonal interactions --Hormonal changes in peripheral blood --Adaptations in the endocrine system --Primary anabolic hormones --Adrenal hormones --Other hormonal considerations --Conclusion --Learning aids --
Physical education and training
Muscle strength
Physical fitness, Physiological aspects
Physical Education and Training, methods
Athletic Performance, physiology
Exercise, physiology
Physical Fitness, physiology
Baechle, Thomas R.، 1943-
Earle, Roger W.، 1967-
National Strength & Conditioning Association (U.S.)