International symposium on Genes and Chromosomes structure and function [Proceedings]
/ edited by Juan I. Valencia, Rhoda F. Grell, with the cooperation of Ruby Marie Valencia
Bethesda, Md
: .U. S. Dep. of Health Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Cancer Institute for Sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Govt. Print. Off, Washington
, 1965.
XV, 354 p.
: ill.
; 27 cm
(U. S. National cancer Institute Monograph
; 18)
Language: انگلیسی
Summaries in Spanish
Genetics - Congresses
Chromosomes - Congresses
International Symposium on Genes and Chromosomes Structure and Function. Buenos Aires, 1964.
Valencia, Juan Ignacio
Grell, Rhoda Frank
Buenos Aires. Universidad Nacional. Departmento de Biologia Experimental