1.'Zurvanica I. / R. C. Zaehner / )BSOS(.-- 2.'Namak -nipesisnih / R. C. Zaehner / )BSOS, 9, 1937-1939, 93-109(.-- 3. 'Zuranica II'/ R. C. Zaehner / )BSOS, 9, 573-585(.-- 4. 'Zurvanica III / R. C. Zaehner.-- 5. 'Aparmand / R. C. Zaehner / )JRAS, 1940, 35-45(.--6. 'Zoroastrian survivals in Iranian folkore / R. C. Zaehner / )IRAN, III, 1965, 87-96(.-- 7. 'Epic of Lorestan / R. C. Zaehner /)In: Anjoman e Farhang e Iran e Bastan, 4/1, Oct. 1966, 11-40, ]with Persian trans(.-- 8.'A Zeranite Apocalypse I' / R. C. Zaehner / )bsos, 10, 377-398(.--9.'A Zeranite Apocalypse II' / R. C. Zaehner / )bsos, 11,606-631(.--10. 'Postscript to Zurvn / R. C. Zaehner.-- 11. ]Review of:[ Mary Boyce, A History of Zoroastrianism, Vol. 1: The early period, Leiden/ Koln, Brill, 1975 / R. C. Zaehner /)In: ST., IR., 8-1979, 162-168(.--12.]Review of:[ Mary Boyce, A History of Zoroastrianism, Vol. Two: Under Achaemenians, Leiden/ Koln, Brill, 1982 / R. C. Zaehner /)In: ST.IR., 12-1983, 286-289(.-- 13.]Review of:[ M. Mayrhofer and R. Schmitt, Iranisches Personennamenbuch, Bd. V., Wien, 1990 / R. C. Zaehner /)In: OL, 89, 1994, 5/6, 281-283(.-- 14. ]Review of:[ T. Burrow and M. B. Emeneau, A Dravidian Etymological Dictionary: Supplement. Oxford, 1968 / R. C. Zaehner / )In: IIJ, XIII, 2, 1971, 152-154(