1.Nicholas Sims-Williams: / A Sogdian ideogram. )BSOAS, 35/3, 1972, 615.( .-- 2.Nicholas Sims-Williams: / A Sogdian fragment of a work of Dadiso Qatraya. )AM, 18/1, 1973, 88 - 105.( .-- 3.Nicholas Sims-Williams: / A note on Bactrian syntax. )IF, 78, 1973, 95 - 99.(.-- 4.Nicholas Sims-Williams: / Notes on Sogdian palaeograply. )BSOSA, 38/1, 1975, 132 - 139.(.-- 5.Nicholas Sims-Williams: / The Sogdian fragment of the British Library. )IIJ, 18, 1976, 43 - 74, with an appendix by I. Gershevithch, pp. 75 - 82.( .--6.Nicholas Sims-Williams: / ]Review of:[ W. B. Henning: Selected Papers. Acta Iranica 14-15, 1977, Teheran-Leiden )In: BSOAS, 41/1, 1978, 165 - 166.( .-- 7.Nicholas Sims-Williams: / ]Review of:[ M. Mayrhofer, Onamastica Persepolitana. Das altiranische Namengut dre Perspolis-Tafelchen, Wein, 1973. )In: IIJ, 20, 1978, 95 - 100.( .-- 8.Nicholas Sims-Williams: / A Parthian sound-change. )BSOAS, 42/1, 1979, 133 - 136.( .--9.Nicholas Sims-Williams: / On the plural and dual in Sogdian. )BSOAS, 42/2, 1979, 337 - 346.(.--10.Nicholas Sims-Williams: / )Joint author( The middle Iranian fragments in Sogdian script from the Mannerheim collection. )With Hary Halen, in: SO, 51/13, 1980, 3 - 11.( .-- 11.Nicholas Sims-Williams: / )Remarks on the Sogdian letters and X. )Appendix on W. Sundermann: Mitteliranische manichaische texte kirchengeschichtlichen Inhalts, Berlin, 1981, 194 - 198.( .--12.Nicholas Sims-Williams: / The final paragraph of the tomb-inscription of Darius I )DNb 50 - 60(: the Old Persian text in the light of an Aramaic veasion. )BSOAS, 44/1, 1981, 1 - 7.(.-- 13.Nicholas Sims-Williams: / Some Sogdian denominal Abstract Suffixes. )AO, 42, 1981, 11 - 19.( .--14.Nicholas Sims-Williams: / Sogdian manuscript collections: A brief report. )JA, CCLXIX, 1981, 31 - 33.( .--15.Nicholas Sims-Williams: / Syro - Sogdica I: An anonymous homily on the three periods of the solitary life. )OCP, 47/2, 1981, 441 - 446.( .-- 16.Nicholas Sims-Williams: / ]Review of:[ Rivayat-i Hemit-i Asawahistan ]sic[ ed. transcription and translation. A study in Zoroastrian Law, by Nezhat Safa-Isfehani, 1980. )In: JRAS, 1981, 2, 214.( .--17.Nicholas Sims-Williams: / The Sogdion sound-system and the origins of the Uyghur script. )JA, T. CCLXIX, 1981, 347 - 360.(.--