1. 'How the Avesta Letter, Sanskrit, Gr. )Theta(, is transmitted in Pahlavi and Persian Laguages )In whose Alphabet, GR. Does not exist(, Into / D.D. Kapadia / )In : Proceedinge and Transactions of the All-India Oriental Confrenve, Twentieth session, Bhubaneshwar, Oct. 1959, Vol. II, Part II: Papers of the Sections, Poona, 1961, 1-4(.-- 2. 'Le Sceau du Catholicos d' albanie et du Balasagan / S. Ju. Kasumova / )ST/IR, 20-1991, 23-32(.-- 3. 'Two modern Pahlavi Productions / Jamshid Cawasji Katrak / (Kurus Memorial Volme Bombay, 70-80(.-- 4. 'Sheep and Goats in the Persepolis Royal Economy /Toyoko Kawase / )Acta Sumerologica, 2, 1980, 37-51(.-- 5. 'Female Workers "Pasap" in the Persepolis Royal Economy / Toyoko Kawase / )Acta Sumerologica, 6, 1984, 19-31(.--6. )Jointly with Javad Hamadanizdeh:( 'Appled Mathematics in eleventh-centuryIran: Abu Ja'far's determination of the solar Parameters / E. S. Kennedy / )The Mathematics Teacher, LVIII, 5, 1965, 441-446(.-- 7. 'Katibe 0 ye Kal Cangal / S. Kia.-- 8. 'Excavations on the defensive wall of the Gurgan plain: A preliminary repert / M. Y. Kiani's / )Iran, XX, 1982, 73-79(.--9. )Joint author( 'Discoveries from Robat-e Sharaf, The Metalwork / M. Y. Kiani's / )AMT, 15, 1982, 392-346. Jointly with Geza Fehervai(.--10. 'A madarra valtozott fiu Az Aath 720 nehany irani mesevaltozatarol / Markus Kinge / )Ethnographia, XCV/1, 1984, 31-52(.-- 11. 'Die Sasanidischen Kapitelle aus venderni Bei Kamyaran nordlich Kermanshah / Wolfram Kleiss / )AMI, 1, 1968, 143-147(.--12. 'On the word "Upamacchaya" as found in the Avaloka on Dasarupaka I.1 / Akemi Kobayashi / )JIBS, XXIV/2, 1976, 1024-1026(.-- 13.]Review of:[ M.Cool Root, The King and Kingship in Achaemenid Art. Essays on the Creation of an Inconography of Empire )Acta Iranica 19[, Lieden, 1976 / Akemi Kobayashi / )Reviewed by Heidemarie Koch in IF 89, 1984, 318-320(.--14. 'Die Kraniche des Ibykus-eine Gegenuberstellung von Schillers Ballade zu Oufis Erzahlung aus seinem Gawame'o - l- hekayat wa lawame' or-Rewayat / Verena Kruger / )In: Wiss.Z. Humboldt- Univ, 5/1965, 691-621(.--15.]Review of:[ W. Ruben, Kalidasa, The human meaning of his works. Berlin, 1957 / F. B. J. Kuiper / )In: IIJ, VII/1, 1963, 76-77(.-- 16. ]Review of:[ J. -P. de Menasce, O. P. Une encyclopedie mazdeenne, Le Denkart. Paris, 1958 / F. B. J. Kuiper / )In: IIJ, VII/2-3, 1964, 220-223(.--17. ]Review of:[ Avesta, The Sacred Scripture of the Parsecs, ed. in Devangari Script by E. M. F. Kanga and N. S. Sontakke, Poona, 1962 / F. B. J. Kuiper / )In: IIJ, VII/4, 1965, 294-297(.--18. ]Review of:[ W. Brandenstein and M. Mayrhofer, Handbuch des Altpersischen. Wiesbaden, 1964 / F. B. J. Kuiper / )In: IIJ, VIII/4, 1965, 298-308(.--19.]Review of:[ R. Hiersche: Untersuchungen zur Frage der Tenues Aspiratae im Indogermanischen. Wiesbaden, 1964 / F. B. J. Kuiper / )In: IIJ, IX/3, 1966, 228-227(