V.1.: 1. A tomb Made of Horses'hooves / Francois de Blois / )BAI, 7, 1993, 31-34(.-- 2. The Middle-Persian inscription from Constantinople: Sasanian or Post-Sasanian / Francois de Blois / )in: ST.IR., 19-1990-2, 209-218(.-- 3. Soghdian documents from mount Mugh )Language Study( / M. N. Bogolyubov / )XXV International Congress of Orientalists, Papers Presented by the USSR Delegation. Moscow, 1960, 1-10(.-- 4. Honorary title of the Achemenian Commander in Upper Egypt / M. N. Bogolyubov / )XXVII International Congress Of Orientalists, Papers Presented by the USSR Delegation. Moscow, 1967, 1-8(.-- 5. An Old Iranian inscription in Aramaic Script From Cappadocia / M. N. Bogolyubov / )XXVIII International Congress Of Orientalists, Papers Presented by the USSR Delegation, Moscow, 1970, 1-14(.-- 6. Titre honorifique d'un chef Militaire Achemenide en Haute-Egypte / M. N. Bogolyubov / )In: Acta Iranica, Hommage Univerel II, 1974, 109-114(.-- 7. L'Inscription Pehlevie de Constantinople / M. N. Bogolyubov / )in: Acta Iranica, Hommage Universel II, 1974, 291-301(.-- 8. The word Brzmdn' in the Aramaic Inscription of Aswan / M. N. Bogolyubov/ )In English and Persian(.-- 9. Osservazioni sul Draxt-i Asurik / Giancarlo Bolognesis.-- 10. Un Problema Di lessicologia Iranica / Giancarlo Bolognesis / )In: Yad- Nama, In Memoria di Alessandro Bausani, Vol. II., Roma, 1991, 125-128(.-- 11. Antonino Pagliaro / Giuliano Bpnfante / )In: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Celebrazioni Lincee, 102, Roma, 1976, 3-7(.--12. The Changes of Meaning Undergone by Certain Persian nomina agentis in-tar )-dar( / J. A. Boyle / )JRAS, 1952, 13-19(.-- 13.Travaux hydrauliques et controle de l'eau dans l'Empire achemenide / Pierre Briant / )In: Les Problemes institutionnels de L'Eau en Egypte ancienne et dans l'Antiquite mediterraneenne, Institut Francais d'Archeologie Orientale, 1992, 91-101(.--14. Prelevements tributaires et echanges en Asia Mineure achemenide et hellenistique / Pierre Briant / )In: Entretiens d'Archeologie et d'histore, 1994, 69-81(.-- 15. L'Eau du grand Roi / Pierre Briant / )In: Drinking in Ancient Societies. History and Culture of Drinks in the Ancient Near East. Papers of a Symposium held in Roma, Padova, 1994, 45-65(.-- 16. Some and Amanita muscaria / John Brough / )BSOAS, 34/2, 1971, 331-362(.-- 17. Some Account of the Arabic Work entitled Nihayatu'l- irab fiakhbari'l-Furs wa'l-Arab particularly of that part which treats of the Persian Kings / E. G. Browne.--18. The fable of the Babylonian Tree.Parl I: Introduction / Christopher J. Brunner / )JNES, 39/3, 1980, 191-202(.-- 19. The fable of the Babylonian Tree.Parl II: Introduction / Christopher J. Brunner / )JNES, 39/4, 1980, 291-302(.-- 20. The Middle Persian Explanation of Chess and Invention of Backgammon / Christopher J. Brunner / In: The Journal of Near Eastern Societies of Columbia(.-- 21. The Middle Persian Inscription of the Priest Kirder at Naqs-i Rustam / Christopher J. Brunner.-- 22. ]Review of:[ Gillbert Lazard, La Langue des plus anciens monuments de la prose Persane / T. P. De Bruijn's Review / Paris, 1963. )In:?(.-- 23. ]Review of:[ Bozorg Alavi, Geschichte und Entwicklung der modernen persischen Literatur. Berlin, 1964 / T. P. De Bruijn's Reviews / )In: IIJ, 4, 1965, 311-313(.-- V. 2.: 1. Remarks on books / H. W. Bailey )and( Kaj Barr.-- 2. Notices of Books / H. W. Bailey )and( Kaj Barr.-- 3. ]Review of:[ W. Jackson, Researches in Manichaeism, New York, Columbia University Press, 1932 / H. W. Bailey )and( Kaj Barr / )JRAS, 1934, 145-146(.-- 4. ]Review of[ Mark J.Dresden: The Jatakastava or 'Praise of the Buddha's fromer Births. The American Philosophical Society, 1955 / H. W. Bailey )and( Kaj Barr / )JRAS, 1958(.-- 5. ]Review of[ W. Pachow and Ramakanta Misra: The Pratimoksa-Autra of the Mahasanghikas. Allahabad / H. W. Bailey )and( Kaj Barr /1956 )JRAS, 1965(.-- 6.Iranian Ropanak / H. W. Bailey )and( Kaj Barr / )In: Studi Linguistici in Onore di vittore Pisani, Brescia: Paideia Editrice, 1969, I, 91-96(.-- 7. 'Hyaona / H. W. Bailey )and( Kaj Barr / )Indo- Celtica, Gedachtnisschrift fur A.Sommerfelt, 1972, 18-28(.-- 8. Atharva-Veda makaka / H. W. Bailey )and( Kaj Barr / )Volume presentes to J.Gonda. 1-5(.-- 9. The range of the colour zar-in Khotan Saka texts / H. W. Bailey )and( Kaj Barr / )Memorial J.de Menasce, Foundation, Culturelle Iranienne 185, 1974, 396-74(.--10. The Pradaksina -Sutra of Chang Tsiang- Kun / H. W. Bailey )and( Kaj Barr / )Buddhist studies in honour of I.B.Horner, 1974, 15-18(.-- 11. The second stratum of the Indo-Iranian gods/ H. W. Bailey )and( Kaj Barr / )Mithraic Studies, ManchesterUniversity Press, 1975, 1-20(.-- 12. Saka candarno and Surkh Kotal Kara-Irangga / H. W. Bailey )and( Kaj Barr / )Melanges linguistiques offerts a Emile Benveniste, Paris, 1975, 33-35(.-- 13. Excursus Iranocaucasicus / H. W. Bailey )and( Kaj Barr / )Acta Iranica, Hommages et Opera Minora, Monumentum H. S. Nyberg I, 1975, 31-5(.-- 14. Indian Sindhu- Iranian Hindu / H. W. Bailey )and( Kaj Barr / )Bsoas, XXXVIII, 3, 1975, 610-612(.-- 15. Indo -European suer- "to colour with a dark colour" / H. W. Bailey )and( Kaj Barr / )In: Studies in Greek, Italic and Indo- European Linguistics offered to Leonard R. Palmer, Innsbruch, 1976, 29-31(.-- 16. Khotan Saka metal and mineral names / H. W. Bailey )and( Kaj Barr / )Studia Orientalia, 47, 1977, Helsinki, 19-23 ]dedicated to P.Aalto[(.-- 17. Indo - Iranica / H. W. Bailey )and( Kaj Barr / )Indologica Taurinensia, VIII-IX )1980-81( Torino, 1981, 15-18(.-- 18. Adversaria Iranica / H. W. Bailey )and( Kaj Barr / )Irano- Judaica, Jerusalem, 1982, 1-3(.-- 19. Armenian azbn and pelem / H. W. Bailey )and( Kaj Barr / )Annual of Armenian Linguistics, 4, 1983, 1-4(.-- 20. Avestan A Zaonvamna / H. W. Bailey )and( Kaj Barr / )Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure, Geneve, 41, 1987, 27-29(.-- 21. Mamkuya / H. W. Bailey )and( Kaj Barr / )Papers in honor of Prof. Dr.ji Xianlin on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday. II, 1991, 975-976(.-- 22. Asiani and Pasiani / H. W. Bailey )and( Kaj Barr / )Bulletin of the Asia Institute, Iranian Studeies in honor of A. D. H. Bivar, 7, 1993, 9-10(.-- 23. Mleccha- Baloc, and Gadrosia / H. W. Bailey )and( Kaj Barr / )Annexe by H. W. Bailey on A Periplus of Magan Meluhha(.-- 24. Cakorakam / H. W. Bailey )and( Kaj Barr / )In:?(.-- 25. Kaj Barr's Biography by Jes P. Asmussen / Kaj Barr.-- 26. )Joint author( 'Bruchstucke einer Pehlevi- Ubersetzung der Psalmen/ Kaj Barr / )Geamtsitzung vom 12 Januar 1933, Mitteilung vom 30. Juli 1931, By: Bar and Andreas, 91-152(.-- 27. 'Remarks on the Pahlavi ligatures and/ Kaj Barr's.-- V.3: 1. Iconographie Irabienne Deux illustrations de Xelat de l'Annee 583H/ 1187 apr,J.C / Firouz Bagherzadeh / )AIO, II, 1989, 1007-1028(.-- 2. ]Review of[ Proceedings of the Twenty- Seventh International Congress of Orientalists, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 13th-19th Aug. 1967, Wiesbaden, 1971 / L. Bajun / )Linguisics, 162, 1975, 73-78(.-- 3. ]Review of[: M.A. Jamalzada: Once Upon a time )Yeki bud-o Yeki nabud(, tr. H. Moayyad, P.Sprachman, New-york, 1985 / L. Bajun / )ST. TR., 16-1987 -1, 145-146. Reviewed by Christophe Balay(.-- 4. Bukhara / W.Barthold.-- 5. Der indogermanische Name der Plejaden/ Christian Bartholomae / )IF, 31, 1912, 35-48(.-- 6. Zur Buchenfrage Eine sprachgeschichtliche Untersuchung / Christian Bartholomae / )In: Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften Stiftung Heinrich Lanz Philosophisch - Heidelberg 1918, 3-20(.-- 7. Notes on a Sasanian Law-Book / Christian Bartholomae/ )In: The Journal of the K.R.Cama Oriental Institute, Bombay, 1932, No. 21, 1-40. Translated by L.Bogdanov(.--8. Zum sasanidishen / Christian Bartholomae / V.-- 9. Due Citazioni del Corano Nel Denkart / Christian Bartholomae /RSO, 32, 1957, 455-462(.-- 10. ]Review OF:[ C. A. Storey, Persian Literature Vol. V, Part I., London, 1992 / Christian Bartholomae / )In: AO, 62, 1994, 90-91. reviewd by Jiri Becka(.-- 11. Axs-ain,axsa-ina- o a-xsai-na / W. Belardi/ )In: Istituto Orientale di Napoli Annali, III, dicembre 1961, 1-39(.-- 12. Postsasanidische Inschriften. I. Mil i Radkan / M. van Berchem.-- 13. ]Review of:[ Paul Hacker, Prahlada. Wandlungen einer Idealgestalt. Wiesbaden / M. van Berchem / )Reviewd by Hermann Bernard, In: ST.IR., 12-1983-1, 123-124(.-- 14.]Review of:[ A. Dihle, Der Prolog der)Bacchen(, und die antike Uberlieferungsphase des Euripides-Textes. 1981, Heidelberg / M. van Berchem / )Reviewd by Paul Bernard, In: ST.IR., 12-1983-1, 123-124(.-- 15. Zoroastrian elements in Manichaeism the question of evil Substance / Ugo Bianchi.--16. Le Ricerche Archeologiche Italiane in Iran Orientale ed il Problema della Urbanizzazione Turanica / Reffaele Bischione / )In: Memoire dell 'Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Seric V, Vol. 5, 1981, 81-91(.-- 17. The Elusive Phase 2 of Shahr-i Sokhta Sequence / Reffaele Bischione / )In: South Asian Archaeology 1987, Part 1, Rome, 1990, 391-409(.-- 18. Textes Pehlvis Inedits, Relatifs a la Reigion Mazdeenne / E. Blochet / )Revue de L' histoire des Religions, Paris, 1895, 1-25(