1. Visa Samgrama / H. W. Bailey / )AM, NS, XL, 2. 1965, 101-119(.-- 2. The Sudhana poem of Rddhiprabhava/ H. W. Bailey / )BSOAS, XXIX. 3.1966, 506-32(.-- 3. A tale of Asoka / H. W. Bailey / )Bulletin of Tioetology, Gangtok, Sikkim, III, 3, 1966, 5-11(.-- 4. Vasta/ H. W. Bailey's/ )BSOAS, XXX, 1, 1967, 95-104(.-- 5. Altun Khan / H. W. Bailey / )BSOAS, XXX, 1,1967, 95-104(.-- 6. The Peope of Rustam / H. W. Bailey / )in: Sir J. J. Zarthoshiti Madressa centenary volume. Bombay: Trustees of the Parsi Punchayet, 1967, 1-6(.-- 7. Saka ssandramata / H. W. Bailey / )in: Gernot Wiessner )ed(: Festschrift fur Wilhelm Eilers: ein Dokument der internationalen Forschung zum 27. September 1966. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1967, 136-43(.-- 8. Vedic garutmant / H. W. Bailey / )Adyar Library Bulletin )Madras(, XXXI-XXXII, 1967- 8 ]pub. 1968[, 8-11(.-- 9. Kaniska / H. W. Bailey / )in: A. L. Basham )ed(: Papers on the date of Kaniska submitted to the conference on the date of Kaniska, London, 20-22 April, 1960. Australian National University. Centre of Oriental Studies. Oriental Monograph Series, Vol.IV.Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1968, 35-38(.--10.Rgveda art / H. W. Bailey / )Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute )Poona(, XLVIII- XLIX, 1968, 71-73(.-- 11. Saka Barza / H. W. Bailey / )In: Publications de L'Institut de Civilistion Indienne de L'Universite de Paris. 1967, Melanges D' Indianisme A la Memoire de Louis Renou, Paris, 1968, 53-58(.-- 12. The Beneficent Earth / H. W. Bailey / )K.R.Cama Orienta Institute Golden Jubilee Volume, Bombay, 1969, 1-3(.-- 13. Avesta and Saka / H. W. Bailey / )in: Studia classica et orientalia Antonino Pagliaro oblata. Roma: Istituto di Glottologia dell ' Universita di Roma, 1969, I, 137-149(.-- 14. Avesta and Saka / H. W. Bailey / )IIJ, XI, 4, 1969, 289-292(.--15. A range of Iranica / H. W. Bailey / )in: May Boyce and Ilya Gershevitch )ed(: W. B. Henning memorial volume. )Asia Major Library(. London: Lund Humphries, 1970, 20-36(.-- 16. Saka studies: the ancient kingdom of Khotan / H. W. Bailey / )Iran, VLLL, 1970, 65-72(.--17. Appendix: Komis / H. W. Bailey / )JRAS, 1970(.--18. Tokharika / H. W. Bailey / )JRAS, 1970, 121-2(.--19. Trends in Iranian Studies / H. W. Bailey / )in: Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunk )TheOriental Library, No.29(, Tokyo, The Toyo Bunko, 1971, 1-16(.--20. The culture of the Iranian kingdom of ancient Khotan in Chinese Turkestan / H. W. Bailey / )in: Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko )The oriental Library, No. 29(. Tokyo, The Toyo Bunko, 1971, 17-29(.-- 21. Ancient Kamboja/ H. W. Bailey / )in: Iran and Islam, Edinburgh University Press, 1971, 65-71(.-- 22. The Kingdom of Khotan / H. W. Bailey / )in: Papers of far Eastern history, 4, September 1971, 1-16(.--23. A half -century of Irano- Indian studies / H. W. Bailey / )Jras, 1972, 99-110(.-- 24. Saka of Khotan and Wakhan / H. W. Bailey / in: Pratidanam, Indian, Iranian and Indo - European studies presented to Franciscus Bernardus Jacobus Kuiper on his sixtieth birthday, Mouton, 1972, 157-159(.-- 25.The Khotanese summay of Sad-dharma-pundarika-sutra / H. W. Bailey / )in: Taisho Daigaku Kenkyukiyo, Memoirs of Taisho University, the departments of literature and Buddhism, The taisho University Press, Tokyo, No. 57, March 1972, 526-530(.--26. Music in ancient Khotan / H. W. Bailey / Bulletin of the Iranian Culture Culture Foundation, Vol. I. part 2, 1973, 41-46(.-- 27. Taklamakan miscellany / H. W. Bailey / )BSOAS, XXXVI, 2, 1973, 224-227(