94. Communism and Communalism in Iran: The Tudah and the Firqah-I Dimukrat / Ervand Abrahamian.--95. Shah's Abbas and the Royal Silk Trade 1599-1626 / Linda Steinmann.--96. Shahsevan in Safavid Persia / Richard Tapper.--97. Islamil and Mirza Makhdum Sharifi: An Interlude in Safavid History / Shohreh Gholsorkhi.--98. The Fall of the Safavi Dynasty / Martin B. Dckson.--99. From Imamiyya to Ithna-'ashariyya / Etan Kohlberg.--100. The Position of the "Walad zina" in Imami Shi'ism / Etan Kohlberg.--101. The Ta'zieh: Ritual Enactment of Persian Renewal / Rebecca Ansary Pettys.--102. Some Imami-shii Views on Taqiyya / EtanKohlberg.--103. Why the BazarRebels / Mehdi Mozafari.--104. L'empoli des femmes en Algerie / Marie-Blanche Tahon.--105. Comment la Politique Vint aux Paysans:A Second Look at Peasant Politicization / Eugen Weber.--106. Histoire Ancienne de la Siberie du Sud. Materiaux et Recherches archeologiques en U.R.S.S / S. VKisselev; R. Ghirshman
#A collection of articles on sects, ideas, movments, Islamic philosopher, Islamic and Jewish theologies, safaviye, contemporary history of Iran )10(