715. The New Religious Politics: Where, When, and Why Do "Fundamentalisms"Appear / Nikki R. Keddie.--716. Explaining Social Movements in Two Oil-Exporting States: Divergent Outcomes in Nigeria and Iran / Edmund Burke III Paul Lubeck.--717. Stable Force in a Storm: Harry J. Anslinger and United States Narcotic Foreign Policy, 1930-1962 / Douglas Clark Kinder; William O. Walker III.-- 718. Persian Folksong in Meshhed )Iran(, 1969 / Stephen Blum.--719. The Strengths and Weaknesses of Iran's Populist Alliance: AClass Analysis of the Constitutional Revolution of 1905-191 / John Foran.--720. States and Urban Revolutions: Explaining the Revolutionary Outcomes in Iran and Poland / Michael Tien-Lung Liu.--721. The International Commission for Military History- Meeting, Tehran, 6-16 July 1976 / Robin Higham.--722. Twentieth-Century Myth - Making:Persian Tribal Rugs / Patricia L.Baker.--723. Nationalisms and the Crisis of Empire, 1919-1922 / John Gallagher.--724. The Iranian Parliamentary Elections of 1975 / Hassan Mohammadi Nejad.--725. Great Britain and the Rights of Neutral Countries: The Case of Iran, 1941 / Joan Beaumont
#A collection of articles on Iranian and Middle East studies )63(