449. Social History and Historical Sociology: Contrasts and Complementarities / Theda Skocpol.--450. Rather the Injustic of the Turks than the Righteousness of the Arabs: Changing 'Ulama' Attitudes Towards Mamluk Rule in the Late Fifteenth Century / Ulrich Haarmann.--451. The Vizie and the Rais in Saljuq Syria: The Struggle for Urban Self-Representation / Axel Havemann.--452. State and Religion in Islamic Societies/Ira M. Lapidus.--453. Wallerstein's World Capitalist System: A Theoretical and Historical Critique / Theda Skocpol.--454. A Mongol Decree of 720 / 1320 to the Family of Shaykh Zahid / V. Minorsky.--455. Friday Prayer and the Juristic Theory of Government: Sarakhsi, Shirazi, Mawardi / Norman Calder.--456. Urban and Rural Arabic in Khuzistan / Bruce Ingham.--457. Zakat in Imami Shi'i Jurisprudence, From the Tenth to the Sixteenth Century A. D. / Norm an Calder.--458. Ash'ari and the Ash'arites in Islamic Religious History I / George Makdiisi.--459. New Literary History and European Theory / Jonathan Culler
#A collection of articles on Iranian and Middle East studies )42(