245. The Modes of Production Approach to Seventeenth -Century Iran / John Foran.--246. The Ottoman Conquest of Egypt)1517( and the Beginning of the Sixteeth -Century World War / Andrew C. Hess.--247. From Jabal'Ami to Persia / Albert Hourani.--248. The Impact of the West on Persia / Ann K. S. Lambton.--249. State-TribeRelations: Kurdish Tribalism in the 16th-and 17th-Century Ottoman Empire / Hakan Ozoglu.--250. The Gulf in the Seventeenth Century / Abdul Aziz M. Awad.--251. Iranian Art in the Metropolitan Museum /M. S. Dimand.--252. Persian Carpets / Wilhelm R. Valentiner.--253. The Downfall of Muhammad ]'Ail[ Beg,Grand Vizier of Shah 'Abbas II )Reigned 1642-1666( / Vera B. Moreen
#A collection of articles on Iranian and Middle East studies )21(