90. The Early Empires of Central Asia / Harold Lamb .--91. Language and Politics: Turkish Language Roform/ Frank Tachau .--92. Liberty and Theatrical Space in Montesquieu's Political Theory: The Poetics of Public Life in the Persian Letters / E. J. Hunndert; Paul Nelles .--93.The Iranian Crisis of 1945-1946 and the Spiral Model ofInternational Conflict / Fred H. Lawson .--94. In the Name of War: Judicial Review and the War Powers since 1918 / Michael J. Glennon .--95. Iranian Cities: Formation and Development / Stephen P. BlaKe .--96. A Response to Huntington / John R. Oneal; Bruce M. Russett .--97. Alexander's Plans / C. A. Robinson, Jr .--98. Religion, Wisdom and History in the Book of Esther: A New Solution to an Ancient Crux / Robert Gordis .--99. Turkey and Iran: Limits of a Stable Relationship / John Calabrese .--100. Toward Proto -Elamo-Dravidian / David W. McAlpin .--101. The Road to Merv / H. C. Rawlinson .--102. Waqai-I mana-zil-i Rum:Diary of a Journey to Constantinople / A. K. S. Lambton .--103. Moses: His Age and His Work.I / Nathaneil Schmidt .--104. The Changes in the Physical Geography of the Ancient Home of Man in Central and Western Asia / Owen Street .--105. The Lesina Portolan Chart of the Caspian Sea / E. P. Goldschmidt; G. R. Crone .--106.China, Soviet Strategy, and American Pilicy / Robert L. Pfaltzgraff .--107. Egbal Ahmad: Pakistan and Us Strategy / Eqball Ahmad
#A collection of articles on Iranian and Middle East studies )6(