675. Adad- Narari III and Jehoash of Israel / William H. Shea .--676. The Kite Aiman l-A rab wa - Talaqiha fi I-Jahiliya of an- Najirami / Charles D. Matthews .--677. Were Necho's Triremes Phoenician / Alan B. Lioyd .--678. The Pate Chronicles Revisited: Nineteenth-Century History and Historiography / Randall L. Pouwels .--679. Political Geography and the Em mir / George S.Robertson .--680. The Decree of Themistocles in Its Contemporary Setting / Noel Robertson .--681. Race,Culture and the War in Asia / Rushton Coulborn .--682. Surveying Tours in Southern Persia. H. L. Wells .--683. Pictet on the Aryan Race .--684. Thucydides the Son of Melesias: A Study of Periklean Policy / H. T. Wade-Gery .--685. Hellenism and Hebraism / Jojn E. McFadyen .--686. A Second Nabataean Inscription from Tell esh-Shuqafiya,Egypt / Richard N. Jones; Philip C. Hammond; David J. Johnson; Zbigniew T. Fiema .--687. Elymeans, Parthians, and the Evolution of Empires in Southwestern Iran / Robert J. Wenk .--688. The Greek Penetration of the Black Sea / Rhys Carpenter
#A collection of foreign articles on Persian Golf studies )31(