647. Early Mesoptamian Constiutional Development / Nels Bailkey .--648. Islam and Modern European Ideologies / Bassam Tibi .--649. Democracy and Islamic Revivalism / S. V. R. Nasr .--650. The Cuisine of Ancient Sumer / Henri Limet .--651. The Character of Greek Colonisation / Aubrey Gwynn .--652. Silk Trade and Production in Byzantium from the Sixth to the Ninth Century: The Seals of Kommerkiarioi / Nicolas Oikonomides .--653. Open Door in the Middle East .--654. Sunni Radicaliam in the Middle East and the Iranian Revolution / Emmanuel Sivan .--655. Narrator Interventions in Thucydides / David Gribble .--656. Science and Civilization / W. F. Durand .--657. Babylonian Mathematics / Raymond Clare Archib .--658. Archaeology in Asia Minor 1990-98 / Stephen Mitchell .--659. A Comparative Study on the Translations of the Babylonian Creation Tablets with Special Reference to Jensen's Kosmologie and Barton's Tiameat / W. Muss-Arnolt .--660. Nabataea, India, Gaul, and Carthage: Reflections on Hellenistic and Roman Gold Vessels and Red-Gloss Pottery / Michael Vickers
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