528. Arab-Americans at a Crossrods / Yossi Shain .--529. Soviet Decision-Making in the Middle East: The 1973O ctober War and the 1980 Gukf War / Karen Dawisha .--530. A History of Steamboat Navigation on the Upper Tigris / R. E. Cheeseman .--531. The Greeks and the Persians from the Sixth to the Fourth Centuries /Ronald S. Stroud .--532. The White Bronzes of Early Islamic Iran / Assadullah Souren: Melikian-Chirvani .--533. Did Roman Commercial Competition Ruin South Arabia / George F. Hourani .--534. The Acropolis of Susa / Frederic Goldsmid .--535. Jewish-Arabic Studies.Jewish Theological Seminary of America / Lsrael Friedlaender .--536. Iraq:The Past as Prologue / Ahmad Chalabi .--537. Palmyra under the Aegis of Rome /I. A. Richmond .--538. The Fatimite Architecture of Cairo)A.D.969-1171( / Martin S. Briggs .--539. Ships and Seamanship in the Ancient World / Daniel F. McCALL .--540. The Art and Architecture of Islam, 1250-1800 / Howard Crane .--541. The Archaeology of Jordan and beyond:Essays in Honor of James A. Sauer / Ernst Axel Knauf .--542. The Portugeseoff the South Arabian Coast: Hadrami Chronicles. With Yemeni and European Accounts of Dutch Pirates off Mocha in the SeventeenthCentury / S. D. Goitein .--543. A Classified Handlist of Arabic Manuscripts Acquired Since 1912. Vol.I:Islamic Law / C. Mallat
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