#Based on the findings, a significant relationship was shown to existbetween adjustment to the united states and intention to stay in the united state among Iranian students. In other words, this study showed evidence that high social adjustment to the united states operated as a positive or pull factor and heightend the intention to stay. although the findings from the present study supported those of previous studies, they are not complete and should not be considered final, because changing socio-economic background of the individuals play an important role in immigration. this study found a significant relationship between educational background in the host country and intention to stay among the Iranian students. In other words, there was evidence in the results obtained in this study for concluding that those Iranian students who had a higher educational background in Iran had less intention to remain in the United states permanently than those who had a lower educational back ground. It was also more likly that they had stronger social and family hies with their homeland, and since they had lived longer in Iran, they had greater familiarity with career abd ecibinus opportunities there.In other words, they more integrated socially within the host country, and probaby had looser family and economic ties with their homeland. As s result, these factors operated as positive or pull factors which heightened their intention to remain in the United states. There was evidence for concluding that those Iranian female students who had greater sensitivity toward traditional discriminatory attitudes between men and women in Iran were more likly to remain in the united states. As a result, this factor operated as a positive factor or pull factor which heightened intention to stay in the United states.
A study on the Iranian brain drain to the united states