#This study attempts to analyze the events ledding to the victory of the Islamic revolution in Iran )1977-79(. The objective was to examine its ideological elements whit emphasis on Islam and Marxism. The study is divided in to three parts. Part I tries to focus on the role of Iranian politico-religious thinkers in politicizing the masses. In this part, two separate purposes are pursued first of see the nature of Iranian non-proletarian national bourgeoisie and their provoactions for protest and revolt, second, to examine how sincerely the thinkers of this faction, through their new interpretation of Islam and Shia Imams, got closed secular intelligentsia to the religious establishment, and how, in the linked islam with Marxism. Part II deals with socialist activists who were struggling to free the nation from capitalist imperialism and shatter the invincibility of the pahlavi/regim. Finally, in part III of this study an attept is made to examine the process of the 1977-79 Islamic revolution. THis part first trirs to examine the prominent role of the middle and working class during the revolutionary upheavals. Secondly, it tries to ficus on the workers' nationwide strikes which brought the country to the brink of bankruptcy and stoppage, and also the college students and intelligentsia's armed struggle, which brought about the final collapse of the regime.
Analytical approach to Correlation between marxism and Iran's Islamic revolution