A Reconsideration of the = Reconsideration of the > Sunni-Shi'a Divide in Early Islam>
/ by Michael P. Bufano
Clemson University, United States of America
, 2008.
v, 156p.
مدخل مرتبط: شیعه
مدخل مرتبط : اهل سنت
Code E.Dissertation : 166
The purpose of this thesis is to explain how and why many modern TwelverShi’a, Sunni, and Western scholars have structured political and religious conflict duringthe formative era of Islam (610-945 C.E.) around a partisan Sunni-Shi’a divide that didnot truly exist, at least as we know it today, until the sixteenth century. By analyzing thesocio-political and economic developments from the time of the Prophet Muhammad(570-632) to the Abbasid Revolution (750), I intend to show that there was no clear linethat divided Sunni and Shi’a Muslims during the formative era of Islam, and that theconcepts of Sunnism and Twelver Shi’ism took centuries to develop into the theological,legal, and spiritual characteristics that we associate with the two main sects of Islamtoday. In other words, I intend to show that Twelver Shi’ism and Sunnism were theproducts of several centuries of theological and legal speculation. During the first twocenturies of Islam, a diversity of religious and political movements clouded the linebetween Sunnism and Shi’ism. Moreover, many of the life stories of important “TwelverShi’ite” and “Sunni” historical figures of the formative era also blurred the line betweenwhat we know today as Sunnism and Shi’ism.