>A> Bibliography of Printed Editions of The Quatrains of Omar Khayyam in Foreign Languages . [Electronic Source]
Needham, Mass.Priv;
Printed for Members of The Omar Khayyam Club of America:
1 DVD-ROM; 4 3/4IN
System Requirements:Windows Photo Viewer.This DVD-ROM Includes Brochure of " A Bibliography of Printed Editions of The Quatrains of Omar Khayyam in Foreign Languages" by Ambrose G.Potter; with an Introduction by Eben Francis Thompson. The Book Content Includes: This list of translations of the quatrains of Omar khayyam in languages other than English, and of bi-lingual editions, is Potter of London, the well khown collector, together with additions by Charles Dana Burrage and the writer.
برای بازیابی این مدرک به مدرک شماره 211164 رجوع کنید.
Quatrains of Omar Khayyam in Foreign Languages [Electronic Source].