vierte Moschee Nazis, CIA und der islamische Fundamentalismus
Ian Johnson;
Aus dem Engl. von Claudia Campisi
Stuttgart :
360 p.
A mosque in Munich : Nazis, the CIA, and the Muslim brotherhood in the West
Prologue: On the edge of town -- Hot wars -- The Eastern front -- The Turkologist -- The Nazi prototype -- Cold wars -- Reviving the Ostministerium -- The key to the Third World -- Learning their lesson -- The mosque is conceived -- Dr. Ramadan arrives -- Marriage of convenience -- The novelist's tale -- Winning the mosque -- Losing control -- Modern wars -- The brotherhood triumphant -- Beyond Munich -- Defining the debate -- 1950s redux -- Epilogue: Inside the mosque.
Mende, Gerhard von,1904-
Islam and politics -- Germany -- Munich -- History -- 20th century.
Mosques -- Germany -- Munich -- History -- 20th century.