General introduction / Willem Grosheide -- Human rights law status report / Cees Flinterman -- Expansion and convergence in copyright law / Madeleine de Cock Buning -- Patents and human rights : where is the paradox? / Rochelle Cooper Dreyfuss -- Introduction / Jerzy Koopman -- Is copyright fit for the 21st century? No! / Joost Smiers -- Intellectual property rights, human rights and the right to health / Duncan Matthews -- On patents and human rights / Jan Brinkhof -- Current patent laws and cannot claim the backing of human rights / Wendy Gordon -- Introduction / Lucky Belder -- A practical analysis of the human rights paradox in intellectual property law : russian roulette / Charlotte Waelde and Abbe E.L. Brown -- Human rights' limitations in patent law / Geertrui van Overwalle -- Human rights as a constraint on intellectual property rights : the case of patent plant variety protection rights, genetic resources and traditional knowledge / Charles R. McManis -- A comment on 'Human rights as a constraint on intellectual property rights : the case of patent plant variety protection rights, genetic resources and traditional knowledge' / Martin J. Adelman.