Choosing a Bible: Understanding Bible Translation Differences
/Leland Ryken
Wheaton, Illinois
: Crossway Books
, 2005
Code E.Book: 14659
Chapter One: How do Bible translations differ from each other? --The goal of Bible translation --Thought-for-thought or word-for-word? --Chapter Two: Five negative effects of dynamic equivalence --Taking liberties in translation --Destabilization of the text --What the Bible "means" vs. what the Bible says --Falling short of what we should expect --A logical and linguistic impossibility --Chapter Three: Ten reasons we can trust essentially literal Bible translations --Transparency to the original --Keeping to the essential task of translation --Preserving the full interpretive potential of the original --Not mixing commentary with translation --Preserving theological precision --Not needing to correct the translation in preaching --Preserving what the Biblical writers actually wrote --Preserving the literary qualities of the Bible --Preserving the dignity and beauty of the Bible --Consistency with the doctrine of inspiration.