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Encyclopedia Of Historical Archaeology
پدید آورنده
/ Edited By Charles E. Orser Jr
Archaeology and history -- Encyclopedias,Excavations (Archaeology) -- Encyclopedias,Historic sites -- Encyclopedias., معماری و تاریخ -- دایره المعارفها, حفاریها(باستانشناسی) -- دایرهالمعارفها, محلهای تاریخی -- دایرهالمعارفها
محل استقرار
ـ شهر:
تماس با کتابخانه :
Encyclopedia Of Historical Archaeology
/ Edited By Charles E. Orser Jr
London; New York
: Routledge
, 2002.
xvi, 607 p.:
ill., maps
Code E.Book: 4350
Acadian sites; acculteration; aerial photography; Africa, East; Africa, maritime archaeology; Africa, North; Africa, South; Africa, West; African Burial Ground; African-American archaeology; Aksum, Ethiopia; America, Central; America, Western; Amsterdam; Amsterdam shipwreck; Angkor, Cambodia; Annapolis, MD; Antarctica; architecture; Asia; assimilation; Audley End, England; Australasia; Australia; Australian Aboriginal historical archaeology; Australian Society for Historical Archaeology; Aztec backyard Basing House, England; Battle of Little Bighorn; battlefield archaeology; beads; behavioural historical archaeology; belief systems; Benin city, Nigeria; Bergen, Norway; Bertrand, steamboat; Biblical archaeology; biological anthropology; Black Death; Boott Mill, MA; Bordesley abbey, England; bottles, glass; Brazil; Brunswick NC; Buenos Aires, Argentina; buttons; Canada, western; Cannon's Point Plantation, GA; Cape Town, South Africa; capitalism; Caribbean archaeology; Carter's Grove, VA; cathedrals; cemetries; ceramics; Chesapeake region, US; children; China; Christianization; churches; churchyard archaeology; class, social; classical classification; coffee; cognitive archaeology; colonialism; colonoware pottery; commodification; computers; Conference on Historical Site Archaeology; conservation, terrestrial; conservation, underwater; consumer choice; consumption; contact archaeology; contextual historical archaeology; Council for Northeast Archaeology; creamware; Creolization; Crusades; cultural resource manage; culture; culture history; Peru; dating methods; dendrochronology; Deptford dockyard, London; Deptford, London; deserted villages; site; diaspora; disease; Dolly's Creek Goldfield; domestic sites; domesticity; domination; dress; Dutch Dutch East India Company (VOC); Dutch East India Company (VOC) shipwrecks; earthenware; Elmina, Ghana; Elverton Street; England; English colonialism; environmental reconstruction; environmental ethnicity; ethnoarchaeology; ethnographic analogy; ethnography; everyday life; excavation methods, terrestrial; excavation methods, underwater; exploration; farmstead archaeology; Fatherland site, MS; Feddersen Wierde, Germany; feminist archaeology; feminist theory; Ferryland, Newfoundland, Canada; firearms; First Government House; Five Points, New York City, USA; Flogeln, Germany; Flowerdew Plantation, Virginia, USA; folk typology; folklore; folklore and folklife studies; food and foodways; forensic anthropology; forensic archaeology; formula dating; Fort Michilimackinac, MI, USA; Fort Mose, FL, USA; Fort Necessity, PA, USA; Fort Union, ND, USA; fortifications; Fortress of Louisbourg, Cape Breton Island, Canada; Fowey, HMS; French colonialism; fur trade archaeology; Fyrkat, Denmark; Garbage Project; garden archaeology; Geldersman shipwreck; gender; genealogical research; Georgian Or
Archaeology and history -- Encyclopedias
Excavations (Archaeology) -- Encyclopedias
Historic sites -- Encyclopedias.
معماری و تاریخ -- دایره المعارفها
حفاریها(باستانشناسی) -- دایرهالمعارفها
محلهای تاریخی -- دایرهالمعارفها
Orser, Charles E.
اورسر، چارلز
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