God's Action In nature's World: Essays In Honour Of Robert John Russell
/ Edited By Ted Peters And Nathan Hallanger
Aldershot, Burlington
: Hants ,Ashgate
, 2006.
xvi, 246p.
: Ill.
Code E.Book: 6659
Robert John Russell’s Contribution to the Theology & Science Dialogue, Relating the Natural Sciences to Theology: Levels of Creative Mutual Interaction, Creative Mutual Interaction: Robert John Russell’s Contribution to Theology and Science Methodology, Creative Mutual Interaction’as Manifesto, Research Program, and Regulative Ideal, ‘Creative Mutual Interaction’ as an Epistemic Tool for Interdisciplinary Dialogue, The Sciences and the Religions: Some Preliminary East Asian Reflections on Christian Theology of Nature, Atoms May Be Small, But They’re Everywhere: Robert Russell’s Theological Engagement with the Quantum Revolution, Indeterminacy, Holism, and God’s Action, Basic Puzzles in Science and Religion, Quantum Theology, Robert John Russell’s Theology of God’s Action, Today’s Playing Field: Theology and Science, Emergent Realities with Causal Efficacy–Some Philosophical and Theological Applications, Non-interventionist Divine Action: Robert Russell, Wolfhart Pannenberg, and the Freedom of the (Natural) World, How Many Universes?, Bodies Matter: A New Fad and a Fallacy in the Name of Science.