What It Means to be Religious, Why Human Beings Develop Religious Belief and Disbelief, The Meaning and Function of Reason in Experience, Do We Know God Directly in Religious Experience? The Conflict of Religious and Scientific Perspectives, The Nature of the Physical World and Life, The Meaning of Evolution, How Shall We Think of Man?, Personality, Free Will, and Moral Obligation, Are there Values Valid for All Human Beings? Patterns of Reasoning About God, The Conception of God in the Western Tradition, The Wider Teleological Argument for a Personal God—The Interrelation of Matter, Life, and Thought, The Wider Teleological Argument for a Personal God—The Interrelation of the Good Life and Nature, The Wider Teleological Argument for a Personal God—Objective Roots of Aesthetic and Religious Experience, Is This the Best of All Possible Worlds? The Explanation of Excess Evil, How, Then, Shall We Think of God? Is It Reasonable to Pray? The Religious Life and the Community, The Good Life and Immortality.
ستایش خدا
-- فلسفه
Religion -- Philosophy.
God -- Philiosophy
Praise of God
Philosophical anthropology
خدا -- فلسفه
انسانشناسی فلسفی
Bertocci, Peter Anthony. برتوکی، پیترآنتونی