Alevi Identity: Cultural, Religious, And Social Perspectives
/ Edited By Tord Olsson, Elisabeth Ozclaga And Catharina Raudvere
: Swedish Research Institute In Istanbul
, 1998.
Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, 1100-0333 ; transactions v. 8
Code E.Book: 3085
Papers read at a Conference Held at the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, November 25-27, 1996
Historical Bipartition and its Consequences, on Bektashism in Bosniia, Anthropology and Ethnicity, Academic and Journalistic Publication on the Alevi and Bektashi of Turkey, The Function of Alevi - Bektashi Theology in Modern Turkey, Political Alevism vrPolitical Sunnism, Development and Reformulation of a Returnee Identity as Alevi, Alevi Revivalism in Turkey, Ottoman Modernisation and Sabetaism, A Critical Survey on Ahl-e Haqq studies in Europe and Iran, Taqiya or Civil Religion, The Druze Religious will as a Political Instrument, Alawites in Syria, Gnosis od Mountaineers and Townspeople, Alawistes or the Nusairis