Mapping meanings : the field of new learning in late Qing China [ Electronic Book ]
/ edited by Michael Lackner and Natascha Vittinghoff
: Brill
, 2004.
xviii, 741 p.
: ill
(Sinica Leidensia, 0169-9563
; vol. 64)
Code E.Book: 1085
Collection of contributions to the international conference "Translating Western Knowledge into late Imperial China," held at the ... University of Gottingen University in Dec. 1999
China - Civilization - 1644-1912 - Western influences
Learning and scholarship - China
چین - تمدن - ۴۴۶۱-۲۱۹۱ - تاثیر غرب
International Conference "Translating Western Knowledge into late Imperial China (1999 : Gttingen University)