Fruhe Saiuhi- und Babi-Theologie : die Darlegung der Beweise fur Muhammads besonders Prophetentum: (ar-Risala fi itbat an-nubuwa al-uhassa) [ Electronic Book ]
/ Einleitung, Edition und Erluterungen von Armin Eschraghi
: Brill
, 2004.
ix, 414p.
(Islamic philosophy, theology and science, 0169-8729
; v. 57)
Code E.Book: 611
In German; some Arabic text, with summary of the author's thesis in English
Originally presented as A. Eschraghi's thesis (doctoral)--Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitt Frankfurt am Main, 2003
Bab, Ali Muhammad Shirazi, 1819-1850. Risalah fi ithbat al-nubuwah al-khassah
Babism - Doctrines
Shaykhi - Doctrines
Muhammad, Prophet, d. 632 - Prophetic office
Babism - Relations -- Shaykhi
Shaykhi - Relations - Babism
باب، علی بن محمد رضا، ۶۳۲۱- ۶۶۲۱. رساله فی اثبات النبوه الخاصه