Diodore Of Tarsus: Commentary On Psalms 1-51 [ Electronic Book ]
/ translated with an introduction and notes by Robert C. Hill
: Brill
, 2005.
xxxvii, 179 p.
(Writings from the Greco-Roman world
; v. 9)
Code E.Book: 513
Life and works of Diodore -- The authenticity of the commentary -- Diodore's text of the Psalter -- Dioodore's approach to Scripture -- Diodore's style of commentary -- Diodore, interpreter of the Psalms -- Diodore as spiritual director -- The christology of the commentary and other theological accents -- Diodore's achievement in the commentary on the Psalms
[Diodori Tarsensis Commentarii in Psalmos. English]
Bible. O.T. Psalms I-LI -- Commentaries
تفاسیر - LI-I کتاب مقدس. عهد عتیق. مزامیر
Diodore, of Tarsus, Bishop of Tarsus, - 392, دیودور، اسقف طرسوس