:Flora des iranischen Hochlandes und der umrahmenden Gebirge : Persien, Afghanistan, Teile von West-Pakistan, Nord-Iraq, Azerbaidjan, Turkmenistan
/ von Univ.-Prof. Dr. Karl Heinz Rechinger
Graz, Austria
: Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt
, 1971-.
: ill. (some col.)
The explanation of ADEVA ( Akademische Druck-u. Verlagsanstalt Graz - Austria) on Flora Iranica at www.adeva.com : A massive masterpiece on botany, "Flora Iranica" is of the greatest significance for methodical botany and plant geography and occupies a special rank among the floral works of the world. The practical significance of this work on flora is obvious. The Iranian highlands and their borderlands are among the original homelands of the wild forms of cultivated plants, such as cereals and different kinds of fruit, which have been increasingly studied in recent years with the aim of crossbreeding them in order to improve the cultivated varieties