1. A to Ando Hiroshige - 2. Ancona to Azzolino - 3. B to Biard - 4. Biardeau to Bruggemann - 5. Brugghen,ter to Casson - 6. Cassone to China, VII -- 7. China, VIII to Cossa - 8. Cossiers to Diotti - 9. Diploma work to Egypt, ancient, X - 10. Egypt, ancient, XI to Ferrant - 11. Ferrara to Gainsborough - 12. Gairard to Goodhue - 13. Goodnough to Habsburg, I - 14. Habsburg, II to Hungary, V - 15. Hungary, VI to Iran, ancient - 16. Iraq to Janous?ek - 17. Jansen to Ketel - 18. Kettle to Leathart - 19. Leather to Macho - 20. Machtig to Medal - 21. Medallion to Montalbani - 22. Montald to Neufforge - 23. Neuhuys to Pandit Seu - 24. Pandolfini to Pitti - 25. Pittoni to Raphael - 26. Raphon to Rome, ancient, II - 27. Rome, ancient, III to Savot - 28. Savoy to Soderini - 29. Sodermark to Summerson - 30. Summonte to Tinne - 31. Tinoco to Varna - 32. Varnish to Wavere - 33. Wax to Zyvele; Appendices - 34. Index.