(The physician as = Physician as> a rebellious intellectual : the book of the two pieces of advice, or, Kitab al- Naṣiḥatayn by 'Abd al-Laṭif ibn Yusuf al- Baghdadi (1162-1231>
\ introduction, edition, and translation of the medical section
: Peter Lang
, 2014
Beihefte zur Mediaevistik, 1617-657X
; Band 18
کتاب النصیحتین
The Physician as a Rebellious Intellectual: The Book of the Two Pieces of Advice or Kitāb al-Nasiḥatayn by Abd al-Latif ibn Yusuf al-Baghdadi (1162-1231): Introduction, Edition & Translation of the Medical Section -- History of Research --Dating the Manuscript & Principle of Edition --Brief Survey of the Contents --Abd al-Laṭif's Life and Medical Work --The Kitab al-Nasiḥatayn: Topoi as Sources? -- The Physician and the Ruler --Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi and his Relation to Alchemy --The Book of the Two Pieces of Advice or Kitab al-Nasiḥatayn by Abd al-Laṭif ibnYusuf al-Baghdadi (1162-1231): Annotated Translation of the Medical Section --Ms. Bursa (Turkey): Huseyin Çelebi 823 (fol. 62r-78r) --The Book of the Two Pieces of Advice or Kitab al-Nasihatayn by Abd al-Laṭif ibn Yusuf al-Baghdadi (1162-1231): Arabic Edition of the Medical Section on the basis of the unique Ms. Bursa (Turkey): Huseyin Celebi 823 (fol. 62r-78r) --Bibliography --1. Abd al-Laṭif al-Baghdadi: manuscripts consulted --2. Abd al-Laṭif al-Baghdadi: autobiographical and biographical information --3. Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi and his milieu: editions, studies & --4. Primary sources --5. Secondary sources --Index of Terms Relating to the English Translation of the Medical Section of the Kitab al-Nasiḥatayn --Index of Authors and Works Cited in the Medical Section of the Kitab al-Nasihatayn --Appendix: The Arabic Originals of the Medical Section of the Kitab al-Nasiḥatayn --Ms. Bursa (Turkey): Huseyin Celebi 823 (fol. 62r-78r)
Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi, Muwaffaq al-Din, 1162-1231. Kitab al Nasihatayn.
عبداللطیف بغدادی، عبدالطیف بن یوسف، ۵۵۷-۶۲۹ق. کتاب النصیحتین
Physicians' writings, Arabic -- Criticism and interpretation.