Counseling Muslims : Handbook of Mental Health Issues and Interventions
\ Edited by Saneera Ahmed and Mona M. Amer
New York
: Routledge
, 2012
xix, 396 p.
این کتاب به فارسی با عنوان " مشاوره با مسلمانان" ترجمه و منتشر شده است
Muslim beliefs within a counseling framework -- Islam, Muslims and mental health / Amber Haque & Najeeb Kamil -- Conceptualizations of mental health, illness, and healing / Aisha Utz -- Traditional mental health coping and help-seeking / Osman Ali & Frieda Aboul-Fotouh -- Models and interventions -- Mental health interview and cultural formulation / Farah Tasleema Rahiem & Hamada Hamid -- Psychological testing and assessment / Omar M. Mahmood & Sawssan R. Ahmed -- Individual psychotherapy/counseling : psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and humanistic-experiential models / Mona M. Amer & Baland Jalal -- Family systems therapy and postmodern approaches / Manijeh Daneshpour -- Islamic-based interventions / Sabnum Dharamsi & Abdullah Maynard -- Community-based prevention and intervention / Nadia S. Ansary & Raja Salloum -- Service settings -- Inpatient psychiatric units / Sarah Mohiuddin & Saba Maroof -- Home-based social services / Aneesah Nadir & Cheryl El-Amin -- University counseling centers / Majeda Humeidan -- Special populations -- Converts to Islam / Sameera Ahmed -- Adolescents & emerging adults / Sameera Ahmed -- Refugees / Sameera Ahmed & Frieda Aboul-Fotouh -- Special issues -- Domestic violence / Salma Elkadi Abugideiri -- Sexuality and sexual dysfunctions / Amal Killawi -- Substance abuse / Lynne Ali.